
Nagasaki Archive---Please tweet a message of the peace to Nagasaki with hashtag #nagasaki0809

Today is the day of Atomic bombing in Hiroshima. Hiroshima people are suffered many decades. We wish Japan will be the only and last victim of Atomic bomb for good.

By the way, Do you know that two Atomic bombs were dropped on Japan? Hidenori Watanave Laboratory at Tokyo Metropolitan University released cool Google Earth contents about Atomic bomb throwing down of the second. The name is “Nagasaki Archive”.


Nagasaki Archive is the web content to tell the world the reality of the Atomic bomb on interactive archive of the Google Earth.

Via their site......

This project enables to access all of those resources from all over the world, which was formerly unable to do so. Moreover, by mapping the information with topographic data, the user can enhance the experience of what it was like when the A-bomb struck Nagasaki, in detail. "Nagasaki Archive" is an attempt to reorganize all of those information on a digital virtual globe (google earth). In order to make Nagasaki the last place on earth where the A-bomb struck, we hope that many people to interact with and learn from "Nagasaki Archive".

You can see photos from the same angle they were taken 65 years ago, and also you click the portrait of survivors to read their experiences and wishes assosiated with the actual location they were exposed to A - bomb.

These contents became the topic in Twitter immediately since they released it. And even not only Japan but also overseas Medeas were reported, and it was carried in Google Earth' official blog at last!

The point that I think to be splendid in these contents, can experience the viewpoint of the Nagasaki citizen from the viewpoint of a pilot dropping an Atomic bomb.
Ang, the space that exhibits contents of the Nagasaki atomic bomb and peace on Second Life is constructed.

SecondLife space

8/9、セカンドライフにて長崎原爆の実相を伝える「Nagasaki Archive」のオープニングオンラインイベント開催(THE SECOND TIMES)

Please tweet a message of the peace to Nagasaki with hashtag #nagasaki0809. Then your tweet appears in this Nagasaki Archive.

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