
Nade Nade Fuwamu

Japan's representative IT venture CyberAgent makes efforts in female oriented smartphone application recently.

It's their new virtual pet apps for iPhone "Nade Nade Fuwamu". 

System is simple, but design is so cute! 

We take care of Fuwamu. However, it is only patted. Graphic of the body hair is excellent.
It seems to be really lightlysoftly! When we pat a lot of , his mood improves. Then, a virtual currency increases.

We can buy the fashion items with this virtual currency. Hat, bag, flower, glasses, etc...

Fuwamu was changed. I think that CyberAgent will start the virtual goods account by this apps in the future. 

When we keep taking care of Fuwamu, he remembers various actions. Kawaii!

 This apps is my recent favorite.

The downloading is here (Free)
なでなでフワムー - CyberAgent, Inc.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I just started playing! Do you know a place where you can find a guide to all the actions it will remember?
