
Japan got a new mobile social game platform. This is "Nijiyome"

Japanese startup EISYS,inc released new mobile social game platform Nijiyome.

"Nijiyome" is the title which shortened "Nijigen-no-Yome"(It mean a "2D bride" in Japanese. The Japanese often says girl character of contents such as the Games, Manga and Anime like that). Nijiyome is a platform for smartphones specialized in Bishojo(Beautiful girl) games. Most of users may be men. However, it is not only dating sim that here is. However, here is not only dating sim but also J-style card battle and the RPG. How about Porn social games? I don't still know it.

Nijiyome is still open beta ver., and they open officially at 2:00 p.m. on April 9(JPT). They have 4 games now, and 5 games increase more after officially opening.

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