
LINE started new e-novels portal "LINE Novel"

LINE started free novel service "LINE Novel". We can read original novels free in LINE. However, to our regret, it is still only Japanese.

At first, it is necessary to add an account of LINE Novel to our friends. It is similar to other official accounts.

Next, a message arrives from them, and tap a certain URL in that.

Then, we move to the portal page of LINE Novel.

And we choose the works which oneself wants to read.

Then each chapter arrives as a message on Wednesday, Monday and Friday in every week.

Cuts and the photos are attached to the chapter, too.

It is a totally new experience of e-book. Originally Japan had a custom to read a novel in mobile from the futurephone era - it is called ketai shosetsu(mobile novel)- so, the style to read a novel in mobile is not new in Japan. However, the novels of LINE Novel arrive every each chapter regularly little by little. It resembles magazine serialization and newspaper serialization. Besides, each novel are the original works which professional novelists wrote for LINE and all of them are free. It may be said that they are rich contents.

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