
Popular manga ONE PIECE forms original game community in Android

Japanese popular manga ONE PIECE has already released a social game in Mobage and GREE. However, they release Android apps "ONE PIECE Moja" and are going to form them's original game community.

Free downloading is here.

ONE PIECE Moja is game portal apps. Users can check the latest information of ONE PIECE, sail the sea by a pirate ship, have an adventure in various islands,  find treasures and meet members of Straw Hat Pirates. In addition, users can communicate with other users and share the scoreboard of casual game apps that link in this with them. In other words ONE PIECE Moja is a game hub and communication hub.

The game apps linking with ONE PIECE Moja is these 3 kinds now.

ONE PIECE 麦わらピンボール マリンフォード頂上戦争(Pinball) 170yen

ONE PIECE 剣豪 ロロノア・ゾロ 歴戦の猛者達(Slash action) 170yen

ONE PIECE 海賊大富豪(Daifugō) 170yen

These are released as the native apps. When users clear a quest by each game, they can get the exclusive wall paper which are usable in ONE PIECE Moja. Bandai Namco Games that are these publisher are going to increase game apps that link to ONE PIECE Moja from now on.

I think that this is the plan that followed success of the messaging apps such as LINE and Kakao Talk. However, they make popular contents ONE PIECE the core of the service not a chat and message.

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