
Let's touch girl's tits in the virtual world!---When Japanese hentai has technology...

Oculus Rift is very popular among Japanese Tech geeks. They are not satisfied only by trying a demo and make use of the idea only by the Japanese and develop original application.
One day, Japanese developer Ryuto worried, "Even if we go to the virtual world using Oculus Rift, we cannot do naughty things with a sense of reality". Therefore he combined various gadgets with Oculus Rift and developed such a system.

He combined LeapMotion, pressure sensor, Arduino, camera, speaker and real size tits mouse pad(Well' it's the real product which is sold in Japan) with Oculus Rift.

The reaction of the virtual girl is fast. She screams as soon as touched her tits. Do you want to touch virtual girl's tits? There is a good news! This is exhibited by Ocu-Fes(Oculus Rift festival) held in Nagoya-shi, Aichi on September 14. You can watch the unique works of Japanese Oculus Rift developers.

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