
mixi, Disney and NHN PlayArt make Marvel Heroes "TSUM TSUM", the cute mobile puzzle game

I introduced cute mobile puzzle game Yo-Kai Watch Puni Puni a few days ago. It is the mobile game that combined LINE: Disney TSUM TSUM which NHN PlayArt developed with Level-5's popular game/anime Yo-Kai Watch.

See Also:
Level-5 and NHN PlayArt released a mobile game of Yo-Kai Watch

mixi also join TSUM TSUM. They announced that they released Marvel TSUM TSUM in the spring of 2016. This is mobile puzzle game of the joint development of mixi, Walt Disney Japan and NHN PlayArt.

In the first place, TSUM TSUM is such a stuffed toy. Originally this was sold only in Disney stores in Japan, but it7s sold abroad now. LINE: Disney TSUM TSUM was the game that served as the advertising of this stuffed toy. They produced synergy, and both of a game and stuffed toy made a hit.

See Also:
Collaboration of Disney and LINE GAME is a great success

NHN PlayArt applies this to Marvel Heroes, and mixi adds know-how of co-play and battle which they acquired by experience by their popular mobile game Monster Strike. They have not yet shown the details of the game, but it is sure that it is cute.

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