
[Photo] Xmas Ver. of the goods shop of Japanese mobile game character Nameko

When I go to Tokyo, I go to the goods shop of Nameko, the Japanese mobile game character located in basement shopping mall of Tokyo Station. It passed from opening more than one year, but does not get tired here even if I visit it many times because displays are changed every month, and new products are added. It is Christmas not to mention this month.

These are released stuffed toys this month.

Shop staff are very good at drawing display cards.

The Christmas card of the original design is presented to fans who did shopping here.

Nameko is one of the successful examples with real goods not virtual goods in the Japanese mobile game industry. Five years pass from the release of apps soon, but the popularity of this does not yet decline.

See Also:
[Photo Report] Nameko shop preview in Basement of Tokyo Station

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