
Child rearing support mobile application "Moopen"

Child care always comes together with questions and the troubles. If young parents can teach child care know-how between them, they will feel encouraged. Therefore Medicalnet released open child care application "Moopen" which support mothers experiencing child care for the first time.

This resembles cooking recipes application. Mothers can post experiences and methods of their own child care and watch them of other mothers. This application is Social Networking Service also, and all users of this are mothers. Users talk with other users about child care and can talk with each other in peace. In addition, Medicalnet holds photocontests and questionnaires so that users use application more willingly. For example, when they invite photos from users on a theme "How do you store clothing of the baby?", users can take photos of the closet, and post it immediately. It is very convenient to be able to check the experience of various mothers in one kind of theme transversely.

The downloading of the application is free(iOS/Android) and you can read posts of users from the Web site.


The robot of popular anime was reproduced

Now, SF film Ghost in the Shell was shown in Japan. Ahead of this film, gadget maker Cerevo reproduced the robot of the original anime of this film.

It is mini-size of the 1/8 scale(352mm × 391mm × 249mm), but is a real robot, not a model. This is "TACHIKOMA", the AI deployment tank appearing in anime "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex". Cerevo made this with 1/8 scale as part of a project to reproduce the items which appeared in animes, games, and the movies using the technology of the household appliance. This has joints, pod, a manipulator, wheels, and of course they move.

Furthermore, this has a sound recognition function, a voice synthesis engine, a camera and is connected to the cloud Internet. And owners can talk with this. When you show an apple towards the camera of this and ask "What is this?", the object recognition engine in the cloud recognizes it and answers "I know, this is a apple". When someone tell this that "the apple is sweet", this understands it, sends the information to the cloud and share information with other TACHIKOMA. In other words, this learns a lot of information by many owners talking to this. They accept the pre-order of this, but surprisingly the price is 169,992 yen!(in Tax). Furthermore, SPECIAL EDITION using aluminum parts is 191,592 yen!(in tax). The shipment start is June.