
Go! Nameko Go! Nameko occupies convenience store Lawson

Now, popular smartphone game Nameko Saibai Kit(Mushroom Garden) series cooperates with Lawson of the convenience store. We can get file folder of the Nameko design by buying 2 Nameko items in Lawson.

Such Nameko corner is set in Lawson in Japan. We can choose favorite file folder from five kinds of designs.

These are the items which I bought.

 Nameko Soba. 330yen(about 3.3USD)

Salt Lemon-lime candy. 179yen(about 1.8USD)

Mentos. 100yen(about 1USD)

The file folder which I chose is this. Sweets Namekos are drawn, and I think that this is an elegant design.

The report article that Nameko oneself purchases Nameko items in Lawson is here.

Japanese police officer soothed soccer fans by a witty speech and became the topic on the Internet

Japanese soccer fans went wild on the night of June 4 after the national team snatched a ticket to the 2014 FIFA. then, Hachikō Square(Pedestrian scramble) in front of Shibuya Station overflowed with a crowd.

And front of Shibuya Station was filled in the "Police-Blue"(not Samurai-Blue).

A one police officer soothed soccer fans by his witty speech. Thereby, he earned praise and the nickname "DJ Policeman" from Internet users. He said to wild soccer fans in this way.

"Prevent you from receiving the yellow card from the police."
"Police officers of the look fierce are pleased in the heart. We don't want to get angry on a good day. Everyone, we are the 12th player. We are teammates."
"Let's be pleased together very much. And let's follow traffic rules"
"Japanese national team is known for fair play. Everyone, please follow rules."
"Please offer a way to each other by teamwork like a Japanese national team."
"Please walk carefully. If you get injured, the good day of Japan's World Cup qualification will be reduced."

When people leaned on the car which stopped, the police officer warned them with wit. "That's a yellow card. You must not receive it two pieces." His witty speech worked, and this day did not have the big trouble, injured people and arrestees at all.

He became the topic immediately in Twitter and his videos were scattered on Youtube.

His speech skill is praised on social media, and because his speech was like the DJ talk, he came to be called "DJ Policeman". This internet praise reached the mass media before long. Furthermore, the Japan's Metropolitan Police Department decided to confer Superintendent General Prize for him at last.

I think that this is one model case of the crowd control. The sympathy is effective in letting wild people calm down. In addition, a person said that it was a true example of "The North Wind and the Sun" of the Aesop's Fables.

Big tie-up: Japan's GungHo cooperates with Finland's Supercell by each other's games

According to the data of App Annie, Supercell and GungHo keep making money in iOS. Yesterday, they announced that they do tie-up in each other's games. It is "Cross-Collaboration".

By this tie-up, characters of Supercell's Clash of Clans appear in GungHo's Puzzle & Dragons, and characters of Puzzle & Dragons appear in Clash of Clans. These are characters of Clash of Clans re-designed for Puzzle & Dragons.

Such a tie-up technique is performed frequently in the Japanese game industry.

See Also:
Examining A Unique Marketing Tool For Japanese Mobile Games: “Collaborations”/ Dr. Serkan Toto - Japan Mobile And Social Games Consulting

In addition, Puzzle & Dragons enforced a lot of similar tie-ups until now.

For example...

with Namco's "Taiko no Tatsujin(Taiko: Drum Master)"

with Square Enix's "CRYSTAL DEFENDERS"

with popular anime "Rebuild of Evangelion".

However, this is the first time that they cooperate with an overseas company. Furthermore, this is the first time that Japanese style "Cross-Collaboration" is carried out in overseas regions of Puzzle & Dragons, too.

Unfortunately, Supercell and Clash of Clans are  less-known in Japan. On the other hand, GUngHo wants to gain players of the overseas region of Puzzle & Dragons more. This "Cross-Collaboration" is a good chance for each other. It is held for from June 24 to July 7.


Convenience & stylish collage apps for iOS---"cameran collage"

I wrote it before about iOS camera apps "cameran" of photographer and movie director Mika Ninagawa.

See also:
Camera apps for iOS of photographer Mika Ninagawa "cameran" is fabulous!

It became popular, and it broke through 3,5M downloading. Recruit Holdings which developed this apps decided on the series presenting this. And the second apps "cameran collage" is available now.(Japanese site is here)

cameran collage is photo collage apps for women. We can make the collage work of taste of Japanese fashion magazines and the the fashion brands using this. Now, this tie-up with fashion magazine " sweet", "InRed" and fashion brand "MERCURYDUO", "B:MING LIFE STORE by BEAMS". We can use the decoration material more than 300 kinds that they supervised.

 The operation is simple, but this has many functions. We can do all work of the collage in this. Placement of photos, resize, cut, filter, frame...

 Texts inputting... Because there are a lot of fonts and labels, I hesitate to put it together.

 Furthermore, there are various stamps in each magazines and brands.

 When we input a date and choose wall paper, it is completion! If you hesitate about photos placement, you can choose it among a template.

We can share the works in Facebook, Twitter, LINE and mail.

I tried this and thought that this is a choice of the collage apps. Anyway, this is convenient! Furthermore, all the decorations materials have good taste.

Now, it's only iOS version, but of course Recruit Holdings releases Android version in a few days. And cameran releases apps in the series as a visual apps brand from now on.


LINE started new e-novels portal "LINE Novel"

LINE started free novel service "LINE Novel". We can read original novels free in LINE. However, to our regret, it is still only Japanese.

At first, it is necessary to add an account of LINE Novel to our friends. It is similar to other official accounts.

Next, a message arrives from them, and tap a certain URL in that.

Then, we move to the portal page of LINE Novel.

And we choose the works which oneself wants to read.

Then each chapter arrives as a message on Wednesday, Monday and Friday in every week.

Cuts and the photos are attached to the chapter, too.

It is a totally new experience of e-book. Originally Japan had a custom to read a novel in mobile from the futurephone era - it is called ketai shosetsu(mobile novel)- so, the style to read a novel in mobile is not new in Japan. However, the novels of LINE Novel arrive every each chapter regularly little by little. It resembles magazine serialization and newspaper serialization. Besides, each novel are the original works which professional novelists wrote for LINE and all of them are free. It may be said that they are rich contents.