
2D or not 2D, that is no problem

2D or not 2D, it was often a problem for animes and games. However, this new technology solves it.

This is the drawing technology "Live 2D" that Japanese company CYBERNOIDS developed.

In 3D, the unique attraction of 2D images can't be rendered properly. It is approximately impossible to reproduce the impression of 2D images in 3D. However, Live 2D enables expression such as 3D as 2D. The images of 2D move like 3D polygon. Besides, it is interactive. Live 2D has been already utilized for many smartphone apps in Japan and CYBERNOIDS wants to apply this in service for foreign countries.



The Japanese completely enjoys a territorial problem by using smartphone application

I wrote "Let's enjoy a territorial problem by Android application!" the day before yesterday. Furthermore, the Japanese plays about a territorial problem using iOS application "Eyeland".

Eyeland is geolocation-communication application. Users make own avatar, chat and share the comment & photos based on geolocation. Therefore a certain user went to Liancourt Rocks in the map.

Netizens amused by it struck virtual Liancourt Rocks in sequence.

They did the playful chat about the celebrity of Japanese and Korean.

"Everybody, let's get along!"

I think the Japanese to be superior in a skill to playful by a serious problem.

via http://vippers.jp/archives/6570151.html


Let's enjoy a territorial problem by Android application!

Now, Japan becomes serious for a territorial problem with Korea. However, a certain developer developed the cute game application for Android on the topic of this "Takeshima scramble(竹島争奪戦)".

This is the game that a Korean rabbit and a Japanese rabbit swim towards Liancourt Rocks.

The developer says, "Stop the Takeshima scramble. The direction where Japan get along with South Korea can become fortunate rather than we possess Takeshima. If each other wants to fight, we fight by this game."

In addition, the developer says like this, "Takeshima is something like moon for me. In other words, it is an existence which is almost unrelated to a life practical. A neighbor quarrels for a territory of the moon. The latest Takeshima territorial problem is in sight of me at such a comedy." In addition, it has been thought that a rabbit lived in the moon in the East Asia from ancient times. For it, a character of this game is "rabbits".

Of course this application has a pro and con. However, I support the thought of the developer. It is stupid to quarrel with a neighbor and to concentrate on nationalism. If there is such time, it is more fun to play a game :)



Let's enjoy a handsome hot spring with iPhone

"Personification" is the Japanese proud skill. The Japanese personifies every thing. The Japanese personifies every thing and give them character.

Gigno System Japan released the iOS application that personified a hot spring to a handsome man.

This is the application that personified Misasa Onsen in Tottori, Japan.

Originally they released the drama CDs which personified Japanese famous hot springs.

あなたがお風呂で のぼせるCD ~温泉擬人化コレクション~ 第1弾「草津編」
あなたがお風呂で のぼせるCD ~温泉擬人化コレクション~ 第1弾「草津編」

あなたがお風呂で のぼせるCD ~温泉擬人化コレクション~ 第2弾「登別編」
あなたがお風呂で のぼせるCD ~温泉擬人化コレクション~ 第2弾「登別編」
Official site[J]

This iOS application evolved from these drama CDs more. This has a full voice function, and a popular voice actor is in charge of a voice. The user can communicate in characters , manage the schedule and use the alarm function. When a user communicates with him a lot and makes friends, his lines and expression change.

However, unfortunately we cannot use this application while entering the hot spring. Because iPhone is broken.