
Indonesian girls band "Cherrybelle" in virtual world Ameba Pico

Japan's Cyberagent cooperates with Indonesian girls band "Cherrybelle" in virtual world Ameba Pico8It's English version of their Japanese virtual world Ameba Pigg).

Cherrybelle is the idol group who debuted in February, 2011. Idol groups are very popular now in Indonesia. Among them, Cherrybelle is the most popular group.


CyberAgent opened a special area of Cherrybelle in Ameba Pico. Users can buy the virtual goods of figure and clothes of Cherrybelle. In addition, users can watch their promotion video in a special area. As a matter of course, many Indonesians gathered there.

CyberAgent performed a lot of tie-ups like this with many artists and celebrities until now in Ameba Pigg. The know-how seems to be just made use of in Ameba Pico.


NTT released Social Networking Service of "bald head"

NTT communications released Social Networking Service "PittaLink" specialized in bald head.


This is a site which can solve a bald trouble and can share a bald trouble with other users. When users answer a self-check about the bald, the site performs matching of the users where a bald type resembled( and they can make friends). In addition, users check the information about the bald measures method and product and can talk with a doctor free. Furthermore, they can read the discussion report article of bald men and column.

However, unfortunately this opens on a test only until December 31.


Does the GREE's social race game beat Nintendo?

Do you get tired of Japanese style card battle social games? Then, let's play this.

This is race game application for smartphones/tablets of GREE "Wacky Motors".

GREE released some of "2D" J-stlye social games for a global market. However, this is clearly different from them. This is full 3D and design is not J-style.

Users operates one's character and car, and can do a race in various cities of all parts of the world.
The excellent point of this game is an operation method. This uses the gyro-sensor of the gadget. We can curve a car rightward by leaning a gadget to the right. This operation method resembles an arcade game than a console game.

However, there is the element of J-style social game, too. It is "Gacha". We can get the clothes of a character, and the part of a car by Gacha using the virtual currency earned in the race. The decoration using them is very fun! There are various functions to the parts of the car and can improve the performance of the car by putting them together.

Furthermore, we can make other users and races.

We can earn more virtual currencies when we win the race with other users.

I played this and remembered Nintendo's Mario cart.


Probably, it became such a game if the Mario cart was carrying out smart phone correspondence. However, Nintendo does not do smartphone correspondence to date. Probably GREE aims at next of Nintendo.


SCEJ opened contents platform for smartphones "PlayStation Mobile"

I wrote that only SCEJ had not exhibit the social game for mobile at Tokyo Game Show 2012.

See also:
[Report of Tokyo Game Show 2012] The conqueror of the game market of Japan is a mobile social game

However, they cannot ignore the mobile. Today, they opened contents platform for smartphones "PlayStation Mobile" in Japan.

PlayStation Mobile is contents platform providing the contents such as various application for Android gadget and PlayStation Vita smartphone. Users can use the contents that they purchased from plural correspondence gadgets. SCEJ released 27 game application as an initial offer. Prices are 50yen - 1000yen(about 0.6USD - 13USD).

Big game company which omits the mobile measure at all now became only Nintendo. What do they do?


When Japanese people draws the illustrations of SlipKnoT, they will become like this

I wrote that SlipKnoT held a fan art contest in Japanese illustration social network "pixiv" in July.

See Also:
SlipKnoT holds a UGC contest in a Japanese illustration social network "pixiv"

pixiv announced the winning prize works in the end of last month. They are really cool! The people who drew these are not professional illustrators. However, the works are splendid!

1st prize

2nd prize

prize of Maggots