Q. Why do you play a social game?
(Answers of 5 high ranks)
1.I want to collect something(30.8%)
2.I want to be connected to somebody(20.3%)
3.I want to beat somebody(18.9%)
4.I want to be healed(15.6%)
5.I want to become free(12.9%)
(Answers of 3 high ranks of men)
1.Status up item(The item which can stimulate a game more profitably)(29.8%)
2.Time shortening item(25.2%)
3.Gacha(virtual capsule vending machine)(21.4%)
(Answers of 3 high ranks of men)
1.Avatar item(27.3%)
2.Time shortening item(25.9%)
3.Gacha(virtual capsule vending machine)(19.8%)
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